Flourescent Jello Cake  
  1. Make the white cake according to directions.  If you have time, let it cool a little.
  2. While the cake is baking make the jello packages separately with only 1/2 the water (should be 1 cup boiling water each.)
  3. Poke a lot of holes into the cake with a medium thick stick, like the big end of a chop stick.  (every 3/4 inch or so?)
  4. Pour cooled but still-liquid jello over the cake, alternating colors in different areas.  Make sure to saturate the entire cake, particularly the holes.
  5. Chill cake until the jello solidifies.
  6. While the jello is solidifying, whip the cream with the sugar, vanilla, and food coloring.  If desired, make multiple batches of colored whipcream.
  7. Frost cake with whip cream.
Ideally, when this cake is cut, you'll see a sort of marbled effect from the different colors of jello. When we made this for the flourescent dinner day, we used orange and red and yellow jello with similar colors for the topping.